
  1. 把支票寄到本台 (門票每張$120)。100 Valley Drive, Brisbane, CA 94005。支票抬頭請寫:KTSF﹐ 並註明 KTSF Banquet
  2. 隨支票請附上聯絡人電話來賓名單。名單須有來賓名字 所選擇的菜色 。支票抬頭請寫:KTSF

選項(選其一):雞肉、魚 或 牛排。 (可提前要求提供素食)


If you want to send check to us, please mail your check to 100 Valley Drive, Brisbane, CA 94005. Please make check payable to KTSF

Please also send us the contact person’s contact info and the guests list together with you check. The guests list should have the guests names and the main course they are choosing.

We are offering three course meal at the banquet. Please make one selection of your main course in advance.

The choices (pick one): Chicken, Fish or Steak. (Vegetarian available upon request in advance)

All checks must be received by October 11th, 2023.